Monday 22 November 2010

On hygiene ice..

”Ice, like food, must be of the best quality available to secure one’s health.”
There's no doubt that ice, especially ice cube or some folks might say frozen water, is something that's widely consumed, preferably in tropical climate countries.
We have 'em in our sodas, our juice, blended coffee, or almost every cold beverages you could remembered..
Here's and interesting article I found on

Ice served in restaurants and bars is regularly riddled with bacteria, a study has suggested.
Almost half the samples of ice taken by researchers from ice buckets and ice machines had traces of coliform bacteria - which comes from faeces.
E.coli was found in one in 20 samples, say Health Protection Agency experts.
They say that handwashing practices among bar staff needs to improve to lessen the risk of food poisoning outbreaks.
Travel health experts have long stressed the need for travellers to many foreign countries to avoid drinks with ice.
Those who fail to observe this golden rule are often stricken with vicious stomach upsets.
However, this rule has never been extended to drinks served in British bars, clubs and restaurant.
Dr Suzanne Surman from its Specialist and Reference Microbiology Division, said: "Ice cubes have been found to cause outbreaks of gastrointestinal disease in the past and to prevent this from happening again, it is important that they meet the required standards."

Damn, faeces bacteria in our drinks...can you imagine that?
It's time for us to take action and choose what's best for us and our family.. 
Hygiene ice is a must!

Untuk persediaan es higienis di rumah, acara-acara gathering anda, or untuk usaha resto and bar anda, hanya gunakan Prima Es Higienis!
Untuk pemesanan hub: (021) 722 1849, 7444 125, 7444 113 
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Prima Es Higienis kini tersedia dalam kemasan 5kg dan 10kg

'cause Hygiene is cool!!

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